Sessions & Workshops

"A miracle is a shift in perception from fear to love - from a belief of what is not real to faith in that which is...That shift changes everything." ~ Marianne Williamson


There're no workshops currently scheduled. If you'd like to be informed of any forthcoming workshops, join my mailing list at the bottom of this page.

Private Sessions

I recommend an initial phone chat to discuss what you would like to work on so we can decide on the best course of action for you.

Click this link to book a free 45 min call with me.

A 60min session is £90 and a 90min session is £135.

Euros prices are €110 for 60 mins and €165 for 90 mins.

If you would like to book a package of 10 sessions, I offer a 10% pay-in-full discount.

I also offer a 6-week Life Purpose Package which you can read more about here.

What does a typical session look like?

Each session is completely tailored to you and what you would like to work on. It's important you come with a clear intention of what you would like to transform or shift prior to the session.

The most important thing is to come to the session with an open heart and a willingness to heal and grow.

You're at the source of your healing and transformation. As a coach, I hold space for you to discover your own answers. I ask you questions to gently guide you towards insights that will widen your perception of yourself and life. I mirror back to you what you hold inside so you can see more clearly. As you raise your conscious awareness, you're able to release what no longer serves you and come back to your natural state: love, joy and peace.

Sessions are held on Zoom. During the session I will share my screen so you can see the 87 bottles of the Colour Mirrors system. I will ask you questions and you will choose bottles that represent your answer. I will interpret the meaning of your colour choices and help you uncover where your current challenges come from - when you understand the root of the issue it becomes much easier to confront and resolve it.

Together we'll make the unconscious conscious and you will experience and expansion of your conscious awareness.

We'll identify and release any limiting beliefs you are holding onto and we'll replace them with empowering ones.

What issues can I work on?

Together we can work on any area of your life where you feel stuck or you're not sure how to move forward. Think of an area of your life where you'd like to FEEL better or where you'd like more CLARITY.

Maybe you'd like to:

  • feel more peaceful in your daily life
  • love and accept yourself more
  • feel more inspired and connected
  • be more authentic in your relationships
  • speak your truth freely
  • be clear about what you want to do with your life
  • release any blocks that stop you from achieving your dreams
  • be happy in the here and now

Here are some examples of areas we can work on together: self-worth, stress, sexual abuse, trauma, body image, health & wellness, relationships, manifesting your dream life, money, business, life purpose, compassion, forgiveness, love, career, family, fear, grief, anger, resentment, regret, addiction, joy, creativity, spirituality and much more.